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Amenities & Experiences

At Vila Carnaúba you and your family have all the and infrastructure to feel taken care of from the start. With comfort and a refined simplicity, services of the highest standards make Vila’s landowners the very best guest.


Kite Club

Toes in the sand, with all you need for a quick and safe kite-in/kite-out experience. Vila’s Kite School will be operated by world-renowned Rancho do Kite, and its ajoined amenities provide a beachfront experience for the whole family – restaurant, club-lounge, and deck with the best sunset view in the region.


Sports Club

Explore the amenities of Vila's Sports Club, including its headquarters where you can meet up with friends and relax after your sport's practices.


Tennis Courts

A full structured sport's club that offers: 3 tennis courts, 2 beach tennis courts and a sports court for soccer and basketball practices.

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Captura de Tela 2024-02-23 às 16.04.27.png

Flow City SPE1 Empreendimento Imobiliário LTDA.
CNPJ: 36.244.270/0001-95

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